Thursday, July 9, 2009

The First

You're probably visiting this because I re-directed you from somewhere to it. Thank you for taking the chance to click that link.

Now I'm sure alot of people, maybe even you, are wondering what Eyes On Me exactly is.

1. Its a movie.
2. It was written by me, Daniel Dockery, and my co-writer, Jonathan Dantzler, a talented man creating a film of his own, which I will link to later.
3. Its a serious drama.

A serious drama you say?
Hold on. Daniel? Serious drama? The same Daniel who enjoys playing a embittered Roosevelt and a buffoonishly self-centered Christian Bale?
Yes, its the same Daniel. And I'm taking a huge risk by doing this mainly because I don't usually do this. Which is exactly why I want to do this.

Eyes On Me is not a shocking film. Though it deals with heavy issues it is not meant to depress or disgust. Eyes On Me, however, is a tragedy at its most basic sense. The story of two men, both with potential, both flawed, and both doomed to meet their destinies in ways they never could have fought against.

In the coming months before I hope to release this film in February, I would like to bring you this blog post and many others, all of which will chronicle the creation of a film that I hope, when finished, will resonate with people.

I hope you come along for the ride.

And here is the promised Jon link:

From the man whose favorite films are Jaws and 1974's original Texas Chainsaw Massacre,

Up next:
Creating The Story, (where I attempt to tell you the story of the film and explain it without giving everything away)

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